Christmas originates from the word Cristes maesse, or 'Christ's Mass'. The 25th of December is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Christ all around the world. Jesus Christ who is considered the Son of God is a symbol of hope for millions across the globe. Its one of the most important festivals and the 25th of December is a public holiday in India like most other countries. On this day people go to church attend mass, sing carols and many people also go door to door preaching the message of love and brotherhood.
According to the texts God had sent Gabriel to Mary who was a virgin. Gabriel then told Mary that she would give birth to child which is to be the Son of God and that the child would be named Jesus. He would grow up to become a king, and his kingdom would have no boundaries.
Gabriel also visited Joseph and told him about Mary giving birth to a child and told him to take good care of her. Mary and Joseph were on their way to Bethlehem to register their names as per the practice then which was on the night Jesus was born. They found refuge in a stable where Mary gave birth at mid night and laid Jesus in a manger. Thus Jesus, the Son of God was born Christmas celebrations begin with a midnight mass, which is considered to be an essential part of the celebrations, it is followed by merrymaking. St. Benedict, alias Santa Claus, is a lovable legendry chubby oldie figure who is clad in red and white dress and rides a rein deer carriage that flies across the car. Children believe that Santa Claus is the one who climbs down the chimneys of their houses and delivers their presents while they are asleep. Santa Claus loves children and gets chocolates, gifts and other desired goodies for them, which he apparently places in their stockings at night.
Its one the most popular festivals and is observed across many countries. Here people decorate their Christmas trees grandly and present gifts to all members of the family. People go sing in the Church Coir and they will also attend plays that enact chapters from the bible. The day will be followed by very sumptuous food for family and friends.